ICI Community, Culture and Caring
From the onset of the University of Ottawa Teacher Education Program, the Imagination Creativity and Innovation Cohort activities promote the importance of collaboration, as well as individual development and contribution. ICI leadership sets up events and activities so that ICI teacher candidates feel safe, valued and included. ICI faculty lead by example by participating in activities. They encourage and re-assure candidates to build confidence for and through risk-taking. Creativity and risk-taking go hand-in-hand.
Neale Donald Walsch, in his book, "Conversations with God" (1998), emphasizes the type of courage required of a good leader. His quote reminds us of the power of example.
Principal Qualification Program Activities to Promote Creative Thinking and Leadership
During the PQP courses, colleagues and I presented to the class on various components of the leadership framework. Our PQP 1 presentation included "Building Relationships and Developing People". As supporters of creative leadership we initiated a creative experience that stimulated growth and productive relationships through trying a task that was outside the comfort zone of many. We were able to do this while modelling and providing support to the participants /our leadership course peers. Each participant created a clay response to some words they generated throughout our class presentation and discussion. Their individual responses were then joined together in a collaborative circle of what we playfully called "A Leadership Clay Lei". Maintaining humour, particularly when there is a level of discomfort due to unfamiliarity with materials, lightened the mood and gave participants courage to try new things. The concluding discussion was an important step in developing perspectives and understandings.
Visible Engagement in Catholic School Culture and Faith Development
In the example above and the Collaborative Clay Rosary developed with my grade 11 and 12 Religion students (see right), Catholic values are evident and modelled as relationships are built.
As a Secondary Religion teacher, I have been able to model Catholic values and practices both intrinsically and extrinsically.
Demonstrate Engagement in Continuous Professional Learning
During PQP 2, our leadership group was assigned to present "Improving the Instructional Program". We found much of the leadership framework criteria overlapped and were difficult to separate. So in fact, we addressed multiple criteria, including striving to stimulate growth in professional capacity. We asked class colleagues to write down their thoughts regarding our topic discussions on strips of pre-cut fabric. Then our colleagues weaved them into a loom as a collaborative and experiential response to the leadership topics. We modelled how we, as leaders, would expect teachers and students to work together. The image shows the weaving hanging in the principal/course instructor's office in her school. As leaders, this act supported our efforts.
We took the theme of "superhero" and played with this idea in terms of leadership. We continued to model creative practice. The weaving was designed in the shape of a cape. In the centre was an image of "The Normentor" (Norma was our PQP instructor and course mentor). Once again we emphasized being positive about the process, which is what we encourage in teachers and students. Demonstrating active engagement in all we did, we also created superhero versions of ourselves.
Post-graduate studies in Education and participation in Additional Qualification courses, the Principal Qualification Program and the OCSB Aspiring Leaders Program are testament to my engagement in continual professional learning.
My recent teaching engagements at the post-secondary, secondary and elementary levels are also evidence of my own learning. I am continually challenging myself to learn and experience new things. I always strive to learn as much from my students as they might learn from me.
Establish Norms for Respect, Understanding and Acceptance
ICI Cohort Orientation includes a collaborative mural allowing all members to lay down a claim to their spot in the Program. A foundation was immediately established giving every one a chance to have a voice, giving equal attention and respect to all contributions / contributors.
A similar process at the beginning of a teacher education course sets the groundwork for respect, understanding and acceptance.