Robinson-Cseke, M. & Cloutier, G. (2016). Intersecting Experiences through Imagination, Creativity, and Innovation. Presented at the Canadian Society for Education through Art Conference, Victoria, BC.
Robinson-Cseke, M., Aubrey, M., Churgin, A., Cloutier, G., and Wilson, M. (2015). Teacher Education in the Arts at a Crossroad: The impact of demographic and social trends and structures. Steering committee member for the National Roundtable on Teacher Education in the Arts, Ottawa, ON. http://www.nrtea.ca
Robinson-Cseke, M. & Karagiozis, N. (2015). Imagination, Creativity and Innovation Cohort at the University of Ottawa. Ministry Faculty Forum, OISE, Toronto.
Robinson-Cseke, M., Aubrey, M., Churgin, A., Cloutier, G., Goodacre, G., Levesque, M. and Wilson, M. (2014). A Self/Community Initiated Journey: A Quest with the evolving nature of Teacher Education in the Arts. Steering committee member for the National Roundtable on Teacher Education in the Arts, Ottawa, ON. http://www.nrtea.ca
Robinson-Cseke, M., Aubrey, M., Churgin, A., Cloutier, G., Contantino, A., Goodacre, G. and Wilson, M. (2013). Our Flights from the Past through the Present to the Future. Historical Contexts; Pathways to Present Currents; Future Visions. Steering committee member for the National Roundtable on Teacher Education in the Arts, Ottawa, ON.
Robinson-Cseke, M. (2012). Fear No Visual Arts Specialists in Teacher Education. Presented at the Canadian Society for Education through Art Conference, Edmonton, AB.
Robinson-Cseke, M., jagodzinski, j., & Wallin, J. (2012). Resistance is Futile: Human Hindrances and Posthuman Potentialities for Art Education/Visual Studies. Presented at the National Art Education Association Annual Convention, New York.
Robinson-Cseke, M., Churgin, A., Contantino, A., Deluzio, J., Goodacre, G., Hauch, A., Aubrey, M., Wharton, J. and Wilson, M. (2012). Possible Elements of Exemplary Pre-Service and In Service Programs in Art Teacher Education. Steering committee member for the National Roundtable on Teacher Education in the Arts, Ottawa, ON.
Robinson-Cseke, M., Gorman, G., jagodzinski, j., & Wallin, J. (2011). Criminal creativities: The arts of transgression, transversality, and resistance. Presented at the National Art Education Association Annual Convention, Seattle.
Robinson-Cseke, M., Gorman, G., jagodzinski, j., & Wallin, J. (2010). The affective turn in art education: Deleuzian problematics. Presented at the National Art Education Association Annual Convention, Baltimore.
Robinson-Cseke, M., jagodzinski, j. & Wallin, J. (2009). Disturbing images: Questions for art and its education. Presented at the National Art Education Association Annual Convention, Minneapolis.
Robinson-Cseke, M., Gorman, G., & Wallace, P. (2008). Disturbing images: Questions for arts and its education. Presentated at the Canadian Society of Education through Art conference, Montreal.
Robinson-Cseke, M., Gorman, G., jagodzinski, j., & Wallin, J. (2008). Social and political explorations into posthuman art education. Presented at the National Art Education Association Annual Convention, New Orleans.
Robinson-Cseke, M., jagodzinski, j. & Wallin, J. (2007). Critical visual cultural research: Deconstructive, psychoanalytic and poststructuralist possibilities. Presented at the National Art Education Association Annual Convention, New York City.
Robinson-Cseke, M., Bouchard, C., & Cooley, M. (2006). Video poems: Identity and loss. Presented at the Canadian Society for Education through Art Conference, Winnipeg.