Promote shared vision of SIPSAW
Holy Cross School Innovation Plan for Student Achievement and Wellness
Community, Culture and Caring: Growth Mindset, Grit and PINK anti-bullying
Teaching and Learning: Numeracy and Literacy Improvement through Learning Wall, Number talks, and CUBES problem solving strategies.
Planning and Programming: Stress management, STEAM initiatives, Genius Hour
Student Leadership Pathways: Lunch Monitors, Milk Program, Green Team, Think-It-Through-Thursdays (peer math help)
Promote shared vision of improved learning environments
Collaborated with Holy Family principal, staff and students in designing improved learning spaces through the school's renovations
PQP Practicum Project
Promote shared vision of creativity and innovation
Collaborated with University of Ottawa's Teacher Education in developing cohort foci for teacher education candidates
Faculty member team for the ICI Cohort (Imagination, Creativity and Innovation)
Support SIPSAW Pathways & Planning
Through Community Partners:
Stress management presentation series
Knights of Columbus: Drug awareness presentation and poster competition
Supports OCSB's Strategic Commitment to Wellness
Through Learning Strategies:
Increased practice of CUBES for math problem solving and Number Talks
Genius Hour Projects encouraging ICI, Growth Mindset, and Grit
Arts Integration: Sierpinski Triangle Christmas Tree
Support Learning Environment Planning
Student and Teacher learning space questionnaires for collaborative input
Slide information presentations for optional support of ideas and possibilities
Slide presentation of a possible collaborative school-wide art project
Support Learning ICI Cohort Planning
Community Partners: Peter Gamwell (ocdsb retired superintendent)--Creativity advocate and speaker
ICI Information and showcases: Java Jam, BEd Time Stories performance, Mixed-media exhibition, Info pamphlet, ICI Logo development, ICI website header graphics.
ICI Experiences: Orientation Activities.
Fostering Professional Relationships
Collaborating between schools, university and community: University professor, teacher education candidates, principal, teachers and students at Fielding Elementary School, Ottawa.
Promoting student engagement through technology
Regular use of smartboard, chromebooks and apps for Math and ELA learning: Global-Read-Aloud, Mathletics and Prodigy, Kahoot, Typing Club, Amazing Race, Breakout Boxes (with digital components).
Hybrid learning with on-line components in teacher education classes.
Ensuring consistency & collaboration within the department
Collaborating within a Holy Cross Junior Elementary teaching team through joint Professional Development workshops (like Math UP) and initiatives like a school-wide math problem of the week, promoting number sense.
Regular ICI Cohort meetings with ICI professors/instructors to maintain connection, share information and ideas, and set and implement ICI extra-curricular events.
Multiple portfolios that require a team approach
Collaborating with Holy Cross teachers and students to embark on school-wide initiatives: Green Team, MakerSpace, Yearbook and school-wide art initiatives.
Holy Cross 50 Years initiative (2017-18): Time Capsule, Catholic Education Week, 50th Anniversary Celebration, 50th Anniversary Logo design for school community T-shirts and Sweatshirts.
Building a culture of buy-in, leading teams, promoting collaboration
Proposal completed for a whole school ceramic totem project.
Collaboration with Holy Cross teachers parent/community members and students.
Creative endeavours support the OCSBs Strategic Commitment to Innovation.