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Professional learning networks

I took some time to explore a number of professional learning networks and online communities of interest.

Ontario Ministry of Education: School Board Leadership and Governance:

I am familiar with the Ministry’s comprehensive website from a teacher’s perspective. My students are teacher candidates so we frequent this website over the course of their teacher preparation for legislation information, curriculum documentation, articles/resources and initiatives of all kinds. However, I have previously never looked at this site from a leadership perspective. I have seen the “Administrator” tab on the top, horizontal menu, but had never clicked on it (I have now!). There is a wealth of material here, including details of the Ontario Leadership Strategy and Professional Learning sources and links. I also perused the Articles About Leadership and found:

Article: Ideas into Action: Engaging in Courageous Conversations. I had just recently borrowed and read a couple of books from the principal I job-shadowed for part of my Leadership Practicum, on having difficult conversations.

  • Scott, S. (2002). Fierce conversations. New York: Berkely Books

  • Ontario Principals’ Council (2011). The principal as leader of challenging conversations. California: Corwin/Sage Joint Publication.

This has always been an area that I feel I need to develop in myself. While I am no stranger to difficult conversations in my teaching career, I have never found that part of the profession easy or comfortable. So this article caught my eye and I read it with purpose.


This website was used in PQP Part 1, so I had some familiarity with it, but not enough. I took advantage of this learning engagement to explore it in more detail. A link to this website is also provided on the Ministry website, under Professional Learning.

Under Resources on the CPCO website is the Poverty in our Schools link, which provide tools for awareness and assessment of poverty in a/your school. I had just finished reading another book:

  • Jensen, E. (2009). Teaching with poverty in mind. Virginia: ASCD.

So the CPCO link was of interest to me. If you haven’t read the book, or visited the link, I recommend them to any school leader, particularly in schools serving lower income neighbourhoods.

George Couros’ Blog:

I was introduced with George Couros’ blog/Twitter feed in PQP Part 1. I have a particular interest in creative leadership so I follow him on Twitter and enjoy his blog. It looks like Alison E. agrees with me, here. I purchased his book:

  • Couros, G. (2015) The innovator’s mindset. Dave Burgess Consulting.

I haven’t read it yet, but it is in my “to-read” pile. I enjoyed reading Couros’ post 4 (Digital) Habits That Will Make You More Creative, November 2013

National Creativity Network:

I am particularly interested in creativity and creative leadership. This is an extensive website about creativity in general, much of which can apply to creative leadership, especially when considered through a creative lens.

Since PLN options are so varied, there is something for everyone. Connected learning presents opportunities to gather and share ideas and resources. PLN options can allow for opportunity to introduce new ways of doing things. Our Faculty of Education is taking strides to require our teacher candidates to develop and negotiate Digital Hubs, which are constructions of their own PLNs that establish their professional digital footprint and guide their learning and inquiry in an organic way. As part of the steering committee, I am taking a leadership role and perspective to this initiative (CPLF: Setting Directions, Developing the Organization, Improving the Instructional Program). I am by no means a resident expert in all things digital, but recognize the value in developing and functioning with these skills. My involvement allows me a developing knowledge and understanding about PLNs; it is my own personal/professional development, just as it will be for the students who develop their own Digital Hubs.

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